Meertalige SEO: targeting per land versus per taal, welke moet je kiezen?

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You are wishing to export your business outside Belgium? In this case, it implies developing your visibility on search engines abroad, and therefore, implementing a multilingual SEO strategy that will allow you to offer the right version of your site, in the right country and with the right associated language. Building a multilingual website is a complex project and it is easy to get lost in the multitude of existing approaches: should you opt for a country-specific extension? Which URL structure should you choose? How to be sure my website will be visible in the targeted countries and languages ?

In this article, we help you get a clear idea and pick the best solution   while taking your goas and resources into account.

Language targeting VS country targeting: what are we talking about?

In international SEO, we must distinguish between targeting by language and targeting by country. But what does it mean exactly ?

Let’s imagine that your website is in French. There are two possibilities:

  1. You want to target all French-speaking countries, everywhere in the world: in this case, you offer the same services and/or products for all countries and you do not target users geographically. The main focus is on the target language: it is language targeting;
  2. You only want to target French speakers in certain countries such as France and/or Canada (Quebec) for instance: in this case, it means that you probably provide exclusive offers to these markets. Your targeting is much more precise and brings a secondary difficulty, since you need both to target a language and one or several specific geographic areas. Here, we are talking about country targeting.

It is not uncommon for sites to target both a country and multiple languages. For example, you could target Belgium or Canada using the local languages of each country; i.e. French, Dutch and German for Belgium, and French and English for Canada. While it may seem ambitious, this is actually easily achievable because Google will naturally try and choose websites depending on the user’s location. On the other hand, language targeting without taking the country into account is more difficult: a local website will get the priority, and as we will see further, the same language can have several regional variations.

Multilingual SEO: targeting by country VS by language, which one to choose? 1

The URL structure

When developing your multilingual SEO strategy, the domain you pick will have a big impact on the results. You have three options: the TLD (Top-Level-Domain), the subdomain, or the subdirectory. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

A domain name with a country extension (Top-Level-Domain) → Belgium → France → United States

Creating a unique domain for each country you are targeting is the most direct way to tell Google which country your website is targeting.Moreover, the origin of your site will be clearly identifiable and reassuring for the visitors of the targeted country, who will be more inclined to trust you. Finally, if one of your domains is penalized by Google, the others will not be impacted.

However, this solution has some difficulties. The use of the Top-Level-Domain requires developing a very distinct seo strategy for each country. When targeting a new country, you will need to create a domain specific to that country, and you won’t be able to benefit from the authority of your already existing domain. Hosting and maintaining the website will also be more expensive. This solution requires the ability to reserve a domain name in all targeted countries and to ensure regular content updates on each version. In short, using one domain per country will prevent you from taking actions that will improve your SEO globally.

The TLD is often used by large companies where the products and services offered may be different from one market to another, and where each has its own strategy and teams. The TLD is often used for country targeting.

One subdomain per language or country (Subdomain) → Belgium → France → United States

Another solution is to use sub-domains for each country in which you are present. Thanks to subdomains, you have the possibility to indicate the targeted country and the search engines will distinguish them as different websites. But it also means that the authority of these different sub-domains (or entities) will be less than if everything was gathered in one global authority, under one domain.

What is the fundamental difference with the first solution? This solution is easier to implement and less expensive. This is a good solution if your resources are more limited. But you’ll probably take longer to rank using a subdomain rather than a domain extension.

One subdirectory per language or country → Belgium → France → United States

With the subdirectory method, each language is integrated into a directory such as /be/, as you can see here above. All international versions of the website are attached to the main website and belong to the same domain. Thanks to this, you will save money, but also time, because whatever SEO actions you take will be reflected in each of the subdirectories. However, you will be forced to use a unique geographic server location.

Which hosting to choose?

When choosing your hosting, consider the loading speed of your website, especially when you are developing a multilingual SEO strategy and targeting different countries. The further the server is from your user, the longer your web page will take to load, which means a poor user experience.

If you have chosen the domain name solution for each country, we advise you to rent the hosting through a server located in the country you want to target.

In the case of subdomains or subdirectories, the hosting is the same for all of them, so you will not be able to change the hosting per country. Is there a solution? Yes ! You can use CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) to store a static copy of your website in servers located around the world. Thus, a different copy of the site is delivered depending on the user’s country, the loading speed will be higher and the user experience will benefit.

Hreflang tags

Thanks to the hreflang tags, you can tell Google what page to display to the user according to their language and/or geographical area. Although their implementation looks simple, many mistakes are made at this level. Pay close attention to this when setting them up.

There are three ways om hreflang-tags concreet te implementeren:

  • In het <head>gedeelte van uw site (zoals hierboven);
  • Door speciale sitemaps te maken voor elke taalversie/land van de site;
  • Als uw site niet-HTML-bronnen bevat (pdf, doc, enz.), kunt u met de http-header gelijkwaardige bestanden in andere talen aanbieden.

Nadat u uw implementatiemethode hebt gekozen (XML-sitemap, http-header of HTML-header), indexeert u de originele pagina en de varianten ervan. Wees extra voorzichtig om geen fouten te maken in de taal- of landcode ,...

Kortom, welke oplossing moet je kiezen?

Puur uit SEO-oogpunt een domeinnaam met een landextensie is de ideale oplossing. Echter, de implementatie ervan is veel complexer.

Wat de praktische kant betreft, we raden je aan om submappen te gebruiken voor eenvoudige implementatie. Op deze manier kunt u uw meertalige SEO-strategie sneller en zonder al te veel moeite ontwikkelen.

Maar afgezien van dit technische aspect, vergeet dat niet het belangrijkste is om uw gebruikers het meest geschikte antwoord te bieden, waar ter wereld ze zich ook bevinden. Dus vergeet niet om pas je trefwoorden en vertalingen aan volgens de landen waarin je je bevindt. Zoekopdrachten kunnen per markt verschillen en het is mogelijk dat u zich niet op het juiste zoekwoord richt als u niet voor elk ervan een aparte semantische analyse uitvoert. Om u een eenvoudig voorbeeld te geven, gebruiken we in Frankrijk het woord „smartphone” maar in België het woord „GSM”.

Overweeg ook of de zoekintentie in elke markt nog steeds hetzelfde is of niet, en pas je inhoud daarop aan. Een analyse van de SERP in elke markt is daarom essentieel voor het plaatsen van inhoud.

Advies nodig bij het ontwikkelen van uw meertalige SEO-strategie? Neem contact op het Semactic-team.We zijn altijd blij om over SEO te praten!


Carine Pire

Carine heeft meer dan 5 jaar ervaring in een groot internationaal bedrijf en is gespecialiseerd in digitale marketing bij Technofutur TIC. Daar raakte ze vooral geïnteresseerd in SEO en koos ze ervoor om SEO-consultant te worden. Ze is altijd nieuwsgierig en leergierig en helpt ons onze klanten te ondersteunen bij hun SEO-projecten.