We're not bots
We work with algorithms and artificial intelligence of search engines, but we are not robots. We have the right to make mistakes, but above all, we have the right to respect.

We do it from the heart
Always wanting to know more, to test, to be amazed, to be excited, to burn with impatience sometimes... This is what we call passion, and it is the key to everything we do.

Innovation-driven, with a critical eye
We are resolutely optimistic and creative. Innovation is a real driver. Not innovation for innovation's sake, but for the mental shit it induces and what it allows to solve

We don’t just deliver
We care about understanding our clients and taking ownership of their challenges. At Semactic, we don't just "deliver", we collaborate - happily 🙂

Sharing is caring
A passion is something to be shared. We are keen to exchange, to pass on our knowledge, but also to learn from other points of view

Not forbidden to have fun
Expressing yourself freely, laughing, joking... It is scientifically proven that we do things better when we have fun. We take this very seriously